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Summer Celebration!


Last week we celebrated the children and young people who attend our “Whirlow LIFE” programmes with a summer awards evening.

The Whirlow LIFE (Learning In a Farming Environment) programmes provide educational and therapeutic activities on our farm for youngsters who struggle in mainstream settings.

We have sessions for secondary age children who find everyday schools overwhelming.  They might have mental health challenges, be recovering from serious illnesses such as cancer, or struggling with relationships at home. Whirlow LIFE gives them a chance to learn in a less formal environment, where their additional complex needs can be taken into account, and away from the pressures of a traditional classroom. Evidence proves that when these children spend time on the farm, they are less anxious, work better with others and are able to regulate their emotions.  This allows them to focus on learning and carry the behavioural improvements back to  school.

We also run programmes for young adults who have moderate to severe learning disabilities.Those that attend this course benefit in different, but equally imprtant, ways - they develop independent living skills, forge friendships and grow in confidence.  They've become a really close-knit gang!

The Summer Celebration was a chance for all of these youngsters to show off the farm and their work to friends and family - before receiving their awards and tucking in to the barbeque!  Those working on AQA Unit Awards were given their certificates and portfolios of work. Others received certificates of participation that identify the range of work undertaken throughout their time at the farm. Several of the learners will be leaving Whirlow to go back to school, move onto further education or into employment and so the event is also a chance to say goodbye and look forward to the future.  The event also provides a rare opportunity for parents and carers to share experiences and advice.

John Gray, Head of Education said: “I’m extremely proud of everything the students have achieved this year. We're wishing the best of luck to those students who are moving on – either into new schools or college this September - and look forward to working with those that will continue with us next year”

One mum said: “We just wanted to say thank you for such a lovely evening yesterday. Such a lot of effort went in to celebrate these young people and their achievements. We really appreciated it. The awards ceremony was very moving. You could see how important Whirlow is to so many young people last night. You all do such a great job. Both my daughters love it up there.”

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