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Highland Fling Success!


The 5th May saw us host our very first Highland Fling, and what a first it was!

The event had tractor trailer rides, bouncy castles and games for the kids, food stalls and street food, and of course, the highlight of the event, the Highland Cattle Shows.

Visitors had a chance to see some of the Highland Cows who live on the farm at Whirlow, along with visitors from other farms from around the region. Some audience members even got a chance to get up close and personal when they were invited to help judge.

Our very own HuRuCo Rare Breeds won the people’s choice with Lily Alice of Luruha and her calf Lily Alice of Mahuruco.

And other prizes went to some of our fabulous friends from the North of England Highland Cattle Breeders Club.

We had a great time hosting the event! Save the date for next year as it’s already in the diary; 4th May 2025.

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